Section 1: The property you are applying for

Who will be living at the property?

Section 2: Personal Details

Section 3: Current Address

Time at this Address
Time at this Address

Section 4: Your Circumstances

Section 5: Your Employment & Income

How long have you worked for this company

Section 6: Self Employment details – If Applicable

Section 7: Company/Corporate LET – If Applicable

Section 8: Emergency Contact details (This cannot be the person living with you)

Section 9: Declaration

Tennant Protection
Regal Park Property Management Limited is a member of Safe Agent, which is a Client Money Protection Scheme, and also a member of The Property Ombudsman, which is a redress scheme. You can find out more details on the agent’s website or by contacting the agent directly.
Relevant Letting Fees and Tenant Protection Information

At Regal Park we believe in transparency when it comes to fees payable when you apply to rent a property through us. We believe you should understand the fees before proceeding with a property.

In addition to paying rent for the property, you may also be required to make the following permitted payments.

Before the Tenancy Starts

A Refundable Holding Deposit
To reserve a property, you may be required to pay one weeks rent, whilst the reference checks are being carried out.

This is usually one month’s rent or a maximum of five weeks rent.

During the Tenancy

This is payable monthly on the due date of your tenancy start date.

Amendment to the Tenancy Agreement
A payment of £72.00 inc VAT if you want to change or amend the tenancy agreement

Loss of Key
A payment of £12.00 inc VAT for the reasonably incurred costs for the loss for a replacement key

Utilities and Bills
In addition to your rent, you are required to make the following payments (if applicable);
Council Tax
Utilities – Gas/Electric/Water
Communications – Telephone/Broadband
Installation of Cable/Satellite
Subscription to Sky/Cable/Satellite supplier
Television licence

Tenant Protection
Regal Park Property Management Limited is a member of Safe Agent, which is a Client Money Protection Scheme, and also a member of The Property Ombudsman, which is a redress scheme. You can find out more details on the agent’s website or by contacting the agent directly.

Application Process
Once you have found your ideal home, we will ask you to fill in a property application form, which we will then discuss with our Landlord. Before submitting your application form, please ensure that you meet the following requirements:

You will need to earn an income to rent ratio. For example, if the rent of a property is £850pcm, then we calculate your rent (£850) x 30 = £25,500 to give us an estimate of what your gross annual salary will need to be in order for you to qualify for the property. If earnings fall short of this, then your application could be considered with a Guarantor at the Landlords discretion.

Upon acceptance from our landlord a refundable holding deposit of one weeks rent may be required to reserve a property, whilst the reference checks are being carried out. This will be non-refundable if you withdraw from the tenancy. If you proceed then we will deduct the holding deposit from your final deposit due.

Applicants receiving universal credits, working part time or working on an agency contract or on a zero hour contract for less that twelve months may require a guarantor.

Applicants under the age of 25 may also require a Guarantor.

Once you receive the referencing link from our referencing company, you will have 48 hours to complete the required fields, failing to do this will result in the property being put back onto the market.

Before we submit your details for referencing, you will be required to show us a copy of your credit report. We will then submit an application for reference to our preferred referencing company who will e-mail you an application form for you to fill in. Please note delays often occur due to late replies from your Landlord or Employer etc.

If you are applying for Universal Credits please ensure you fill the forms in correctly to avoid delay.

You will be also be required to bring in your ID and Proof of Address to us so we can verify you and carry out the Right to Rent checks. We will also require you to bring in your last 3 months bank statements and in some cases this may be 6 months.

Where possible we may request a home visit of the property you are living in as this will give us a good idea of how you will live in one of our rented houses.

Upon acceptance from the referencing company we will advise you and our Landlord and will prepare the tenancy file and agree a moving in date.

Starting your Tenancy
Prior to moving in you will receive by e-mail a detailed written and photographed inventory and we ask that you please take your time to check it thoroughly.

Most tenancies are 6 or 12 months, we will contact you and book an appointment for you to come into the office to sign the AST (Assured Shorthold Tenancy) Agreement and all the other relevant documents.

If you require a Guarantor they will also be required to come in and sign a Guarantor Agreement.

You will receive a video inventory upon collection of your keys of which we advise that you watch and review the content within 7 days from move in. Any disputes or errors found when checking both the video or written/photographed inventories must be notified in writing to Regal Park Property Management.

We will send you a request for your deposit which will be held in our client deposit account and will be secured with the TDS (Tenancy Deposit Scheme). A certificate of confirmation confirming this has been registered will be e-mailed to you.

Your rent and deposit must be paid in cleared funds prior to your tenancy commencing and you moving in. We recommend that your rent payments are made by standing order and must reach our account by your rent due date.

It is your responsibility to notify the utility providers upon move in. We work in partnership with Homeshift Energy and will pass your details onto them so they can contact you choose the right utility suppliers for you. We will also inform the city council and Anglian water with your details for your council and water tax bills.

You will be required to have contents insurance in place prior to your move in and this should include accidental damage insurance to cover your landlord’s fixtures and fittings, such as the oven and hob, bathroom white goods and carpets etc.

During Your Tenancy

During your tenancy members of our staff will carry out quarterly inspections. You will be notified when these are due to take place. We recommend you are present at the inspection, however in the event you cannot be there we will enter the property with the master key we hold giving you 24 hours’ notice. Unfortunately, due to high numbers of daily inspections and a busy work schedule we can only carry out inspections during our normal working hours.

We respect our landlord’s properties and that’s why we always act quickly to any calls from you regarding maintenance or repairs. We have a network of experienced tradespeople who will contact you promptly to address your issues.

For routine repairs and boiler servicing we’ll provide you 24 hours’ notice for access. If you are unable to be present one of our preferred tradespeople we collect the master key from us.

Tenancy Renewals

At the end of your fixed tenancy term you may be given the option to renew your tenancy agreement for a further 6 or 12 month’s subject to the agreement of your landlord. A fixed tenancy gives you the security of knowing that you can remain in the property for the agreed term. On a periodic tenancy the landlord can give you two month’s notice to vacate the property and you have to give one months' notice to leave.

Vacating the property

At the expiry of your tenancy a final inspection of the property will be carried out by us and we will use both inventories as a guide. Please note that the final inspection is carried out when you have vacated the property of which we advise you are present.

Subject to a satisfactory inspection, your deposit will be paid to you within 14 days into your bank account. Any damages will be reported to the landlord and any disputes will be reported to the TDS.

Regal Park Property Management - TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Proof of ID
We require proof of identification for anyone over the age of 18 who will be residing at the property and any guarantors. This can be a current full signed passport, current UK photo card driving license, residence permit (issued by the Home Office to EU Nationals), original birth certificate, national ID card.

Proof of Address
We require proof of residency for anyone over the age of 18 who will be residing at the property and any guarantors. This can be a current UK driving license showing the current address, a recent bank statement or utility bill (no older than 3 months), a copy of your current tenancy agreement showing the property address. All required documents are to be submitted to our office within 3 days of your proposal being accepted. If documents are not submitted within 3 days, it will be assumed that you no longer wish to proceed and we will remarket the property.

Our referencing company will email you an application form. This must be completed and submitted within 3 days. If the referencing application is not submitted within 3 days, it will be assumed that you no longer wish to proceed and we will remarket the property.

Upon receipt of your completed referencing the referencing company will carry out all of the relevant checks. The average turnaround time is 5 working days after receiving the application, but this can increase depending on your employer/landlord response times. If your references have not been completed within 7 working days from the point of submission the property will be put back on the market.

Company LET/Corporate LET
If a property is to be leased in a company name, the company application and referencing is required as above. The terms and conditions and the tenancy agreement must be signed by a company director or a person nominated by them. The company must have a minimum 3 years trading accounts. Prior to the start of the tenancy we will require written confirmation from a director that the nominee has the authority to sign. We will also require proof of ID for the director/nominee.

Proof of Right to Rent
We are required by law to ensure you have the right to reside in the UK before allowing you to take possession of a property. We therefore will carry out the right to rent checks on you and will be required to see a valid and current passport, valid visa, EEA member state identity card, letter from applicant's home country's Embassy in the UK. We will also require a Right to Rent share code from you.

On all of our managed properties your deposit will be protected by our Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) for the duration of your tenancy. This must be paid in clear funds to our client account prior to you moving in. Please note we can only pay the Deposit back to the account it came from.

Rental payment
The first month's rent must be paid in cleared funds prior to your tenancy commencing and you moving in. The rent due date thereafter will be the same day as the start date of the tenancy.

You will be required to have contents insurance in place prior to you moving in and this should include accidental damage insurance caused by the tenant to the contents, furniture, fixtures and fittings, and carpets/flooring at the property as described in the Inventory. A copy of the policy should be presented on the day of signing the tenancy agreement before keys can be released. You should also consider insuring your own contents in the property, accidents can happen, likewise burglary, floods and storms can be costly, so you could risk losing the things that are important to you. We can provide you quotes for the above.

Pet Clause
Should you have pet(s) at the property and it has been confirmed with your landlord that they allow you to have pet(s) in the property then a pet clause will need to be added to your tenancy agreement and signed by all relevant parties.

Standing Order
You will be required to sign our Standing Order Mandate form to allow direct payment of future monthly rent payments from your bank account, before we can release the keys to you.

A detailed written and photographed inventory will be prepared prior to commencement of the tenancy and a copy will be e-mailed to you for your approval. You will also receive a copy of our video Inventory when you collect the keys. We advise you watch and review the content within 7 days from move in. Any disputes or errors found when checking both the video or written and photographed inventories must be notified in writing to Regal Park Property Management. If you are unable to view the video inventory please contact the office to arrange an appointment to view it in our office.

Council Tax
We are obliged by law to make the city council aware your details and the property address so they can update their records.

“We hope you will be very happy in your new home”

Data Protection (GDPR)
Regal Park Property Management Limited are committed to keeping your personal details secure and we will only pass your details on, with your agreement for the process of referencing and credit checking your application. We work in partnership with Homeshift Energy and will pass your details onto them so they can contact you choose the right utility suppliers for you when you move in. During your tenancy you may experience some maintenance to be carried out and we will pass your details on to our preferred maintenance contractors who will arrange access with you to sort any maintenance issues with you. This applies to yearly checks such as Gas Safety Certificates to be carried out.